The blank canvas is not what inspires awe, rather it is the beauty of the colors and the manner in which they have been applied on it.... So, here I am "Passing the Paintbrush" let's see what awe we can inspire together!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Slideshow....WAWA... Oh,Yea!

So, I learned today how to make a slideshow and am here to show it off!  I wanted you to all see the fabulous work of my students and what a cool way to do that! I think this could definitely be included in a website, a blog, or in a wiki to share with parents the activities, work, and events that are taking place at the school, in classrooms, and out and about in our community!

Loving this!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wiki What? Is this a Transformer?

I only could think of the Whitwiki's, parents in the Transformers movie, when I read this was part of our assignment, for obvious reasons at first but then... I thought about how foreign and strange it would have been for them to have these "aliens" or machines introduced to them in their lives... how this was similar to how educators are going to be feeling as technology continues to creep into the schools and find its way into the current classroom and how and we as educators are going to have to get accustomed to having this as an element of education and of our classrooms.

Friday, June 18, 2010

High Museum Educators Week

I attended a training this week at the High Museum. I was so excited because it is based on the Picturing America series and our school was one of the lucky ones to have been granted this package of beautiful American art prints. I was so excited to be reintroduced to the short history of our country and the relationship between this and the various things we learn in social studies, science, and in language arts. Also, how history is told through song, story, and art! I am very excited about a new opportunity for schools that is being offered by the High and about the awesome ideas that were coming to mind during this last week. I am so excited... I even pulled out my scrap crayons from this school year from my tub and Skyler and I have began to create BIGGER better crayons with them to get us excited about an art project later today! I'll post some pictures from it for you to check out!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reader Feeder!!!!

I can't stop.... ever feel like you have eaten way too much of grandma's delicious turkey and gravy?  Ever feel like one more bite of cranberry sauce would cause your body to erupt and cover the room due to being over the "F" line (this is a reference to a full gas tank of gas for all those would needed the clarification).
                           Side note: As a kid my best friend and I always played a game of "places." This was us riding our bikes around in our cul-de-sac and pretending we were in cars, each driveway was a place, a gas station, the mall, the movies, etc... we always refered to a full tank as having "F" gas! Gotta love the imagination and creativity.... do kids do this anymore?

Back on track, I am about to hit the "F" on my tank... I can't stop! Addicted!!!! I am struggling to keep my fingers from clicking and my mind is about to explode... I saw a cartoon about this before!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lowering the bar might be okay just this once!

I've been amazed and awed!

Mr. Salsich's blogwas fun to read through!  It seemed well worded... easy to understand and fun for the kids too. A simple set up with the focus being on presenting the information to the kids. A description of the events and happenings with some images to go along with the story. Very much like a story, in fact, perhaps this is why it seemed so easy to understand, it felt natural. I feel like this is a great way to showcase what is going on in a scrapbook or photo album type format.... but it did make me question... what function and purpose does my blog intend to resolve in regards to my educational efforts? His focused on one class with one group of students being featured.... how does this work for a teacher like myself who interacts with half a school in my classroom!

Why Web 2.0

So, Why Web 2.0 you asked....

Great Question... I have an answer... late I know.... unlike me in most instances....

In my defense, Before I could answer Why Web 2.0, I needed to answer... Why with access to not one but two computers, I couldn't complete the simple task of watching and hearing a Utube video....then once I had reached a less than satisfying solution and it was accomplished... then,Why was it I struggled so with deciding on a title and why then did I feel the need to search for defintions of words....quotes...other blogs and websites before I could committ to the decided title and link name in which to be happy with.