The blank canvas is not what inspires awe, rather it is the beauty of the colors and the manner in which they have been applied on it.... So, here I am "Passing the Paintbrush" let's see what awe we can inspire together!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lowering the bar might be okay just this once!

I've been amazed and awed!

Mr. Salsich's blogwas fun to read through!  It seemed well worded... easy to understand and fun for the kids too. A simple set up with the focus being on presenting the information to the kids. A description of the events and happenings with some images to go along with the story. Very much like a story, in fact, perhaps this is why it seemed so easy to understand, it felt natural. I feel like this is a great way to showcase what is going on in a scrapbook or photo album type format.... but it did make me question... what function and purpose does my blog intend to resolve in regards to my educational efforts? His focused on one class with one group of students being featured.... how does this work for a teacher like myself who interacts with half a school in my classroom!

Mrs. Patterson utilized a featured that can definitely become a part of my site... not necessarily focused on the students perhaps is the answer, maybe this is an easier way to display a few of the works of art we are working on in class, the slide... it was fabulous to see so many of their works together, not only for comparison sake but also for the pure enjoyment of viewing... this also seems student friendly enough that it would fit in with keeping the focus on my students efforts but still advanced enough that parents or other educators visiting could also be interested. Like this feature.

Mrs. Harju had some fabulous and interesting things going on.... I loved getting to feel like I was a part of them. I loved the videos that were focused on the students and some parts of these created by the students.  It felt like it I could do it. It was simple in format but the information that was presented about their class happenings was so interesting that the simplistic format didn't bother me.

Mr.Coley on the other! While still easy to use, has obviously taken the world of blogging to a new level. Obviously, has had some time to get his stuff together! I am amazed at the time it must have taken... the research, the skill practice to pull it together, and what about the insight to see the usefulness of some of these gadgets for classroom usage. He definitely took blogging to a new level. I will say, the prospect of getting all of these things was overwhelming, even the fact that they are out there for use!  I might feel this way because of the newness of this to me as a blogger, reading some one's blogger before you are trying to do it yourself is one thing... reading someone else's blog to learn from it and use it to form your own space.... a whole new ballgame! I am sure as the vocab embeds itself into my lingo I will feel less overwhelmed, but it is definitely something to study... He is amazing and nothing short of it!

I need a few Tylenol... I have spent way too little time sleeping and way too much looking through these blogs!


  1. you CRACK my up Shelly! For you and Kym and me, it is hard to look at some of these blogs and the great things they are doing and think, gee I want to do that, but I see 500 kids (or in my case 950) and it IS hard to do something like this with all our students, but if we take baby steps, one class or even grade level at a time it becomes MUCH more manageable.

  2. Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the Chihuly exhibits/ areas that they are in were not affected by the flooding. Dale himself was scheduled to speak at the symphony hall, which did get flooded- and it was relocated. Dispite all that he couldn't make it because of medical reasons, but everything else is there and absolutely beaitful!
