The blank canvas is not what inspires awe, rather it is the beauty of the colors and the manner in which they have been applied on it.... So, here I am "Passing the Paintbrush" let's see what awe we can inspire together!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Soon to be famous host, takes on the airwaves!!

So, Podcasting... a little frustrating that I essentially used two computers to complete the task, due to my computer from school not wanting to upload itunes... anyway, it wasn't horrible, easier to use than I anticipated, which is why it has taken me so long to do it...

I loved this, and the funny thing was my voice didn't sound so bad after all, I am country without a microphone but take country to a whole new level through speakers! Anyway, I read a favorite of mine "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More" by Karen Beaumont and David Catrow. I enjoyed it and hope I can get it posted to podbean, as I am having issues with this at the moment. I think that classroom teachers could have students do some fabulous book reports on the computer... this is a great resource for students who don't like to be in front of the class! They could post them on their websites and parents could hear them as well.  My only issue was that it only let me record for 60 seconds... I had to record the end of my book on another recording... perhaps this is just because I haven't figured out all of the ins and outs.  I am proud of myself for completing this step and hope to find many ways to use this in class, when I get in the room and find something great to do with it.

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