The blank canvas is not what inspires awe, rather it is the beauty of the colors and the manner in which they have been applied on it.... So, here I am "Passing the Paintbrush" let's see what awe we can inspire together!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bookmarking... left scars

I worked on the Social Bookmarking assignment... I had some difficulty because it took its time getting things going and then just as I would get ecited about it having finished the uploads... it wouldn't show my shortcuts in the toolbar or my bookmarks in the bookmark listing... Scars you ask, they are from my head banging against the computer!  It seemed to take too long to set up and get things saved... I don't know that I have the time or patience.. I can handle the inconvenience of packing up and carrying ly laptop home better than the sittinga nd waiting to only be disappointed over and over again. It is just so easy to click on add to favorites.

I definitely see where this could be fabulous for edcuators to share their resources and get the information quickly if all the set up and such is done and working. I just don't know that I want everyone who wants to... to know what I value as worth bookmarking... many times I bookmark because I found something great and want to further explore other times I only do it so I can quickly find the sight in the future.  I also have many webiste I like to keep due to them having new lessons on them regularly or are easily read and understood in the format for which they are typed. I got a few posted but had difficulty getting a bulk from my favorites saved, I didn't want to save the mone at a time. You can visit here to see the few that made it my bookmark list.

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